November 1, 2016 ~ National Speaker/Author John Brown

Date: Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Time: 5:15pm - 8:00pm
Location: Lancaster Country Club
Speaker: John Brown

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Every business owner exits his or her business . . . 

The difference between success and disaster is whether it’s planned.

From the best selling author of "How to Run Your Business So You Can Leave it in Style." 

"Business Exit Strategy:  The role of the advisor in helping business owners.“

•Help your clients plan for the most important financial event of their lives-exiting their business;
•Essential planning steps that every business owner must take;
•Avoiding major pitfalls that cause business successions to fail;
•Helping the business owner get the most value for the business;
•Building the advisory team and working together to benefit the client.

For over 30 years, John H. Brown has skillfully guided hundreds of business owners through the most important financial (and emotional) transaction of their lives: the exit from their companies. 


Working with real owners in a variety of situations to test and refine his theories, John constructed the Seven Step Exit Planning Process™ that he first described in his seminal work on Exit Planning, How to Run Your Business So You Can Leave It In Style.


The overwhelming response to John’s book from both owners and their advisors launched John as a public speaker, thought leader and highly‐sought expert in the fields of exit and succession planning.


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