Thursday, September 28, 2017 Cocktail Hour

Date: Thursday, September 28, 2017
Time: 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Location: Lancaster Country Club

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Our Next Membership Meeting is Thursday, September 28, 2017:  Cocktail Hour 4-6pm

4:00 p.m. ~ Free Cocktail Hour

5:00-6:00 p.m. ~ Program

Lancaster Country Club, Lancaster PA
Admission is $35 per EPC Member and 1st Time Guests.  $75 per Repeat Guest


Panel Discussion "Fit Planned Giving into an Estate Plan"

  • Mark James: Attorney Perspective on Planned Giving and estate planning: How to facilitate, What professionals to involve, when to start?
  • Jessica Mailhot: Endowment planning: How to, when, Why? How Forever Lancaster can help facilitate conversation and execution of ones wishes.
  • Chip Cargas: Why give? Thought Process? When he started thinking about it? Emotional hurdles, if any?
  • Conor Gilbert: Why give? Why Endowment at 24years old? Why get involved at his age?

Special thanks to our sponsors!


Lancaster Osteopathic Health Foundation


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